Different Types of Videos for Social Media

We The Chitrakars have written a blog on social media campaign ideas previously, today we are going to focus on the videos which adds extra engagement to your campaign.
Optimizing videos work in social media campaigns, it’s always settling to have your videos curated following the trending concepts increasing its probability to get shared, liked and commented.

To increase the probability for your videos to get discovered, it’s always good if you mark the trend and add eye catching and engaging graphics. Below are some best practices to keep when
sharing social media.

1.Video those Product Features

Social media posts influence sales a lot. People tend to buy
a product based on their reviews and demonstration.
It highlights the products good features which audience tend to look at more. They are more trustworthy than an ad and
are they get more encouragement.

2. Interview Videos

If you will observe closely most of the people look for inspirational videos, may it be a celebrity interview or a corporate one. Interviews are very well received by the audience. Everybody likes to know what it takes.
So set up a meeting with an influence, prepare interview questions beforehand and add a little music with high quality
3) Tutorials:
DIYs are in trend and everything which shows some useful to dos are appreciated. Do some research and post some tips to
simplify lives. Keep the length short and make it presentable.
If you get it right, then engagement is promised.

Social Media Video Tips

  • ·      Captions are good:  Add captions they increase the user experience, especially when you are using stuff which people need to remember.
  • ·     Loope’m: Videos on Instagram, Facebook and twitter  automatically loop, Keep it in mind when creating them.
  • ·     Natively placed: A native video is the one which is uploaded directly instead of being hosted on other sites. Facebook prioritizes it. So upload natively.
  • ·   Creative gets an eye : Keep the visuals engaging, use apps which lets you create good, creative videos.

Different Types of Videos for Social Media Different Types of Videos for Social Media Reviewed by The Chitrakars on October 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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